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R12: Stars in Global Health Sorghum Value-Addition Project 

Our community faces significant food insecurity due to the impacts of climate change, including frequent droughts, unpredictable rainfall, and declining agricultural productivity. These challenges have led to reduced crop yields, threatening the well-being of many households.
To combat this, our project—running from January 2024 to June 2025 and funded by Grand Challenges Canada (GCC) and the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT)—aims to improve household food security, nutrition, and socioeconomic empowerment in Gem and Rarieda sub-counties. in Siaya County, Kenya.

In this project, we are supporting smallholder farmers with essential inputs and training, empowering them to produce and commercialize fortified sorghum flour and porridges that are both nutritious and affordable. Capacity building is at the heart of our project, targeting smallholder farmers, women groups, men, youths, people living with disabilities, and the broader community.

5 Steps: The Process


Farmer mobilization and Recruitment


Farmer training on sorghum and ALV cultivation techniques 


Farm input facilitation and Planting 


Farm management and value addition training.


Sorghum fortification with climate-smart nutrient- dense food crops.

Sorghum Value Addition with Climate Smart Foodstuffs, Post-harvest Management and Sustainable Production in Siaya County.

Our key project activities are hands-on training, sorghum field days, and socially inclusive value chain marketing. These sorghum field days are raising awareness about the nutritional and climate health benefits of sorghum production and the use of indigenous nutrient-dense tropical plants and orphaned African leafy-vegetables in sorghum value addition.

Our marketing efforts encourage increased sorghum production, consumption of fortified sorghum flour, and the integration of nutrient-dense tropical plants, such as amaranth, into sorghum products. We reach over 2,000 community members through various channels, including social media, workshops, local radio talk shows, sorghum field days, and targeted marketing efforts.​ We aim to increase sorghum production, promote the consumption of fortified sorghum products, and enhance our community's  resilience against the challenges posed by climate change.

Farmer mobilization and recruitment 

Farmer training on sorghum and ALV cultivation techniques 

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Farm input facilitation and Planting 

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Farm management and value addition training.

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